A professional juicer or commercial fruit juice machine is a sensible investment for not only cafes but also for the small restaurants or roadside food stalls. Well, mostly, people enjoy drinking a fresh juice, as it is natural and easily available. You should try to make the most of this option by getting a juicer that not only delivers in terms of quality but also ensures sustainability in the long run. It is not a piece of cake, but here are some tips, you will find it helpful in getting lucrative deals on commercial fruit juice machine.
Check the brand
One of the most important issues here is ensuring that you are buying a top-notch brand. Remember, a brand that has been around on the market with a proven track record would be just right. It will be proactive and consistent, which leads to its products being sold through infomercial format.
Model choices
The next option to consider in commercial fruit juice machines would be the right choice of model. There are so many options available that include larger and smaller sizes. Electronically and automatically operated ones along with the regular manually operated ones. A smart option is to get something that works both ways. So that, in case one is not functional, the other alternative would function. A powerful motor is mandatory here because it will be able to crack the tougher or more stubborn fruits. Some points, however, make a difference here, which are:
- The motor should be easy to clean, or your commercial fruit juice machine would have traces of dirt, which is the last thing that you want.
- Check for the warranty on the motor because it would be the most expensive part of the machine.
Along with these, commercial fruit juice machine should also provide you with the following:
- The flexibility of speed of the juicers should be easy to regulate according to the need of the vegetable or fruit. Keep in mind some foods require a larger speed or something that would give you juice easily like celery, carrots, ginger root, among other food items. Then there are the other pulpy items like tomatoes, orange that would call for blitzing along with fine pureeing. In this reference, do check for the strainer options also.
- The vibration factor should also be taken into account, as this should be negligible while the juicer is in operation. You do not want your customers to get harassed by the noise.
- The functionality of the commercial fruit juice machine should be quick. It should be able to give good results. Ideally, it should reduce preparation time. Thus, it should be able to provide tasty juices in no time. This is helpful in maximizing efficiency.
Various kinds of juicer models come with automatic pulp ejection. Doing so helps in making bulk volumes of juice without stopping and cleaning the pulp every few minutes. Along with this, it is also essential that the commercial fruit juice machine should help in minimizing cleaning efforts. You do not want to open the machine every day and go through a tough league of the cleaning procedure. These are the little things to take into account and of course, do work out the match between the cost and effectiveness. This is important because you want your machine to last for years to come. You can check for different fittings that provide the option to blend and work with various fruits and juices.
Hence, with these tips, you are likely to invest in a sensible commercial fruit juice machine that will help boost your business and in turn, get you tons of profit.