Winter can play havoc on your house, roofing and gutters so it’s important to carry out regular maintenance and checks on your roofing, particularly before and after winter. It’s a good idea to prep your roof before the winter starts to avoid any severe damages and unexpected costs however you might discover a couple of common roofing problems during the winter season.
The below article outlines some key roofing problems which you might come across, as well as some fixable solutions. These solutions are generally a quick fix to prevent any major roof damages, but not necessarily a permanent solution and it’s important to seek professional help if you’re unsure at all. There’s also a very insightful infographic at the end of the post as well!

The article is written by Roofing Outlet, a roofing material company which launched in 2015 and is operated by highly experienced individuals.
The Problem: Your flashing has cracked or corroded by severe weather
The flashing is a thin piece of metal usually found under shingles and can be found on the joints of your roof. Serving as a water-resistant barrier, roof flashing can develop large cracks or corrosion if over-exposed to sever wind and rain.
The solution – You could apply a coat of roof sealant to the flashing and try removing the shingles from out the way. You may also need to get some new roof flashing which you can fasten in the same pattern using roofing nails.
The Problem: Rainwater is seeping through the cracks
A valley is an area where two planes of roof come together. When this isn’t sealed properly or the weather has been particularly severe, rainwater can seep in through the cracks of your roof.
The solution – It’s advised to seek some professional help for this roofing problem, as it might be a bit tricky doing it yourself and you’ll want to make sure that it’s fixed to the highest standard.
The Problem: Your shingles have been damaged by severe weather
Shingles are usually the exterior layer of your roof and when heavy winds, rain and storms hit, it can severely damage the shingles. Even just one damaged shingle can compromise the rest of your roof, so ensure to check your roofing regularly, especially at the start and end of the winter season.
The solution – If you come across a broken shingle, use a pry bar to carefully loosen the damaged tab, as well as the adjacent tabs. You can then apply some roofing cement to the surface beneath the shingle. Slip the flashing underneath and apply some more roofing cement on top of the flashing.
The Problem: Gutters have been clogged
If your gutters become clogged over the winter period, it may result in rainwater seeping down through the roof and into your house which can cause quite a severe issue. Gutters usually become clogged due to accumulated debris.
The solution – This very common problem can be easily fixed yourself by climbing up the ladder with caution, using the right safety measures, and simply collect and remove the debris from the gutter.
The Problem: Your roof chimney has cracked
When carrying out your regular roof inspections and you have a chimney, make sure you look out for any holes in the joints connecting the chimney to the roof. This is because the joints of mortar can easily erode in harsh weather conditions.
The solution – If you can find the source of the leak yourself, then you can fix it with the mortar. This can be quite a tricky process though, so seek professional assistant in case you don’t want to cause any further damage.
The Problem: Your vent booting has cracked
Venting is small pipe-like structures sticking out from your roof, which help in expelling the excess moisture out of your house. Vents can often become damaged when exposed to harsh weather conditions. This is due to the vent seals often sealed using a flashing, which can also become cracked or corroded during the winter period.
The solution –You can try fixing the problem by using roofing nails on either side and then caulk under the shingles to seal them to the flashing. However, if the flashing is already cracked then you’ll need to fix that first. See the above solution for cracked flashing.
The below infographic, ‘Prepping Your Roof For Winter’, outlines in an easy-to-follow and visually interesting design the most common roofing problems, the main things to look out for, how to reduce heat loss in your home, as well as some average roofing repair costs. You can use the infographic on an annual basis for roof maintenance. It is recommended to check your roof at least twice a year, particularly before and after the winter season as that’s when the most damage is caused.